Wednesday, June 11, 2014

On the 2013-2014 Academic Year Now Passing

June 11, 2014

Dear Friends,

As the 2013-14 academic year comes to its close, I shared a report on the year at Mercer School of Theology last evening with our Board of Trustees, led by Bishop Provenzano.  I share with you here a portion of my report on the year just past.  Your comments are welcome.

In a word, the 2013-14 year at Mercer was busy.  We increased the number of events several times over.  We added for the first time Mercer events outside Garden City under the title Mercer Avenue.  We initiated with a first lecture the Mercer Institute of Spirituality.  We worked to regularize our outward communications using Constant Contact email (Next Month @ Mercer), Facebook (Conversations at Mercer), Twitter (@MercerTheology), website improvements (, and a daily online newspaper “Open Gates” (

We brought Charles Egleston, our valued Librarian and the Archivist of the Diocese, from part-time (Tues, Thurs, Sat) to full-time, thus increasing our staffing and the availability of the Mercer Library to visitors.  The Rev Kate Salisbury, working from her home, took responsibility for the design and dispatch of Mercer's Constant Contact emailings.

We continued our cooperation with various other offices of the Diocese, as well as with the New York Metropolitan Synod of ELCA, the Parish Resource Center, and other occasional cooperative relationships.

Mercer Fund support of our diocesan seminarians, studying at General Theological Seminary, Virginia, Yale, and Sewanee continued, as did our support of seminarians across the Episcopal Church.  In cooperation with the Society for the Increase of Ministry, Mercer School provided the financial support for the awarding of the first SIM/Mercer Challenge scholarship, designed to support the brightest and the best in their preparation for ordination.

Mercer School for Deacons became Mercer School for Ministry.  Over the past year the School has been preparing 5 for ordination as deacon, 2 for priesthood, and continued support of one recently-ordained deacon, Anthony Jones.  In February we lost a valued faculty member when the Reverend Allen Shin was elected Suffragan Bishop of New York. Last Saturday we had the joy of having two students of the school ordained as deacons, Jennifer Webster and Jason Moskal.

In cooperation with the Canon to the Ordinary, the Rev John Betit, Safe Church procedure and guideliness for the Diocese were re-written and released.  Work on increasing the number of in-person training sessions, as well as assuring that parishes are ready to handle online ongoing training continued.  Racism Awareness, diversity, anti-oppression workshops began again following a 3-year hiatus.  Annual Parish Leadership Workshops for Treasurers and Vestries & Wardens, continued.

The Dean of Mercer, as Canon for Formation, assumed responsibility for the content of the diocese's two clergy days and the 3-day clergy conference each year.  We streamlined the outline of Clergy Day agenda.  The Reverend Eric Law of the Kaleidoscope Institute was well-received at the May Clergy Conference.  

Ongoing support and responsibility for Christian faith formation planning and execution is now more effectively shared within the Faith Formation Cohort or team.  Members this year were Myra Garnes Schuler (diocesan staffperson on youth and young adult ministries), Matt Tees, Emma Tees (Camp DeWolfe), and Brother Mark Gregory of Little Portion Friary.  Emma has just left the Camp staff as the Tees young daughter continues to grow.

Our 2nd annual Faith Formation Convocation for the Diocese took place on May 3.  James DeWolf Perry of the Tracings Center in Cambridge MA was keynote speaker.  Eight break-out workshops were offered as well with excellent presenters and content. 

Planning continued and has been solidified for the updating and strengthening of technological capability at Mercer for online programming, including the recording and presentation online of events and live sharing of course content.

More in the coming days on what we are up to at Mercer School for the coming year.

John P. McGinty+
Canon for Formation

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