Thursday, March 6, 2014

Opening of the Institute of Spirituality This Saturday (and a note on Safe Church trainings)

March 6, 2014

Dear Friends,

This season of Lent with its invitation to fasting, prayer, and almsgiving provides a life-giving reset button to us all in our Christian lives.  We at Mercer School are to assist in the accepting of this annual and generous invitation from our merciful God.

Check on the Mercer School website ( a link to a plethora of resources on and offline for the lenten season.  This is meant to be interactive; that is, if you have a resource you would like us to share, email at the same Mercer office address with the subject line; Another resource for Lent.  We will post it.  The direct link to the Lenten resources is this:

Our online shared book reading for the season on our Facebook page, Conversations @ Mercer is underway.  Discussion will begin on or FB page tomorrow.  The first reading is the Introduction and Chapter 1, "Powerlessness," of Richard Rohr's book, Breathing Under Water. 
Our reading will be in tandem with our lenten series on the spirituality of the 12 steps which will begin at Saint Luke and Saint Matthew in Brooklyn on March 12.  Registration is through the Mercer website.  Click on the "Coming Events/Register" button and then navigate to click on the event title on our calendar for March 12th.  The book is Breathing Under Water: Spirituality and the 12 Steps by Richard Rohr (Franciscan Media, 2011).

And  do not forget, the Mercer Institute of Spirituality will be born this coming Saturday, March 8.  Here are the details below.  Be present for something new and inspiring as this Lent begins . . .

Focusing and Spirituality,presented by Dr. John McDargh of Boston College's Theology Faculty
Saturday, March 8, 2-7 pm
The Mercer School 

The work of philosopher and therapist Eugene Gendlin has taken hold in both the therapeutic and ecumenical spiritual direction communities. Gendlin and his colleagues teach the skill of paying close attention to the "knowing that is deeper than saying" and the body's "felt sense" of reality at any given moment. 

This workshop introduces participants to this way of attending to their own embodied experience.
$20 includes the cost of dinner.  Please register by calling the Mercer School at 516.248.4800, ext 140.

Presently we are expecting twenty-five guests for the opening of the Mercer Institute of Spirituality on Saturday.

Mercer: we're your school.
John McGinty+
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island

PS. If you are on Twitter, so are we @MercerTheology.  Throughout Lent we are sharing a daily word intended to help us keep focused on the matter at hand: living in Christ together.  Pax!

PPS.  Click on the Coming Events/Register button to the left and navigate to March 29; click on Safe Church title there to gain info on the next Safe Church training at Mercer.

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