Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Joy Skjegstad Workshop Schedule Change - Only Saturday, May 2nd

April 22, 2015

Dear Friends,

There is a change in the scheduling and structure of the "New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners" workshop that will open the month of May here at Mercer.  Rather than being a 2-day workshop, we will meet solely on Saturday, May 2nd.  The renewed schedule is here below.

Registration will remain open at with changes made to the schedule there as soon as possible.

Forum: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners 

This workshop with author and consultant Joy Skjegstad will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible. Join us May 2, 2015 at Mercer School of Theology.

For registration, please visit

Saturday, May 2 - 

Morning session

Winning Grants to Strengthen Your Ministry
Is there grant funding available for your ministry? If so, how can you get it? This is an overview of winning grant strategies for ministries from Joy Skjegstad, a 20-year veteran grantwriter and author of Winning Grants to Strengthen Your Ministry.

You will:

Learn how to find potential funders

Gain an understanding of how corporate and foundation funders think

Learn about the process of applying for a grant

Learn how to describe and "sell" your ministry work, including the faith-based aspect

Discuss how to approach “secular” funders as a ministry organization

Afternoon Session

High Impact Community Ministry

As Christians, we are called to build relationships with our neighbors and to minister effectively to the community around us. In addition, community ministry is a key link for churches in staying relevant, reaching young adults, and practicing effective evangelism.

This training by Joy Skjegstad, author of 7 Creative Models for Community Ministry (Judson, 2013) will inspire you with new ideas and help you identify next steps for moving forward.

This session will cover:

--strategizing on building new relationships in your community

--identifying the fit between your congregations gifts/passions and the needs in your community

--developing /strengthening your current ministry strategies

--reviewing the 7 models for community ministry

--reviewing case studies from churches that have launched successful ministries

--creating volunteer opportunities that will draw out the people in your church.

John McGinty+

Canon foe Formation

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A thank you and an Invitation

April 21, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

What a great day we had this past Saturday with Sharon Ely Pearson.  Her workshop on 'sowing the seeds' well in Christian formation was filled with solid information, great ideas, humor.  Mercer and the Diocese of Long Island are grateful to Sharon for her presence and all that she offered.  WE hope to se her again 'ere long!

Looking forward, on Friday and Saturday May 1 and 2, author and consultant Joy Skjegstad will travel here to offer an informative 2-day workshop. One day will focus on building up ministry to the community by your church.  The other will offer strategies for finding funding for the good work your church wants to undertake,  You can learn more and register at this web address:
Share the news and join us!


Friday, April 17, 2015

On Christian Education and Funding Great Parish Ministry - please join us!

April 17, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Tomorrow we are overjoyed to welcome Sharon Ely Pearson, in herself one of the finest resources on Christian education, who will be here at Mercer School to offer a day of learning and resourcing to educators from the Diocese of Long Island.  Believe it or not, seats are still available.  If you are able to come you will be happy you did.  Call 516.248.4800, extension 140 today to register.

Sharon Ely Pearson

And on Friday and Saturday May 1 and 2, author and consultant Joy Skjegstad will travel here to offer an informative 2-day workshop. One day will focus on building up ministry to the community by your church.  The other will offer strategies for finding funding for the good work your church wants to undertake,  You can learn more and register at this web address:

Joy Skjegstad
And click on the video above to hear Joy Skjegstad speak about her book
7 Creative Models for Community Ministry

Share the news and join us!


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sowing Seeds - share this Saturday with Sharon Ely Pearson

April 15, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

It is Tax Day.

But there must be more to say than that!  At Mercer School of Theology here on Long Island we are excited to welcome educator Sharon Ely Pearson this Saturday, April 18th. Under the title of "Sowing Seeds," Sharon comes among us to talk about nurturing faith formation efforts in our parishes.  Included are helps on choosing the right curriculum and fashioning preparation for the celebration of confirmation that works.

You can learn more and register by navigating to this web address:

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

You are invited!

Easter Tuesday,
April 7, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

A visit to the Upcoming Events/Register tab on the Mercer School homepage will reveal that there is a lot going on between now and June of this year at your school.  Here I want to highlight just a couple of upcoming events.  Return here in a few days as I will bring more forward.  Consider yourself warmly invited to come and participate!

On April 23rd, we will hold our ongoing Racism Awareness Program training.  This session, however, will not take place at Garden City.  This session will be over to the east, at Saint Luke's Parish in East Hampton.  The training is daylong, opening at 10 am and closing at 4 pm.  At Mercer we are grateful to Saint Luke's Rector, the Reverend Denis Brunelle, and to the staff and people of the parish. You can find out more and easily register by clicking on the following web address:

We are very happy to welcome author and consultant Joy Skjegstad for a 2-day conference open to all on May 1 and 2.  The theme is: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners. These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible.  Join us for one or both days at Mercer School of Theology.  For full information on who our presenter is and what this conference will bring to you and your church, as well as to easily register, visit this web address
"With the right approach, it is possible for a small group of people to make a big impact. It will take focus and clarity about what you are trying to accomplish, but the small church can make a big impact in the world through partnerships, creative use of resources, and a focus on relational ministry. Small congregations have unique strengths that can result in strong and effective community ministry."
~ Joy Skjegstad 

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Holy Week 2015

In Christ
may we be
and one.

All the blessings of these holy days to you from the staff of the George Mercer Jr. Memorial School of Theology.

John P. McGinty+
Diane Muscarella
Charles Egleston
Katherine Salisbury+