Dear Friends,
Firstly, registration is available online for the 2nd annual Faith Formation Convocation in Garden City on Saturday, May 3. Navigate to this web address and register now:
Director of the Tracing Center on the Histories and Legacies of Slavery, James DeWolf Perry's opening address will be Let Us Be Repairers of the Breach: Addressing the Legacy of Race and Building Beloved Community. There will follow a day of amazing workshops, exhibitors, and time to connect with colleagues and friends old and new. Register now as space is limited!
Secondly, I am delighted to announce that Charles Egleston, Mercer School Librarian and Archivist of the Diocese of Long Island will move from part-time to full-time with us next Tuesday, April 15 at my invitation. Charles is a skilled and dedicated librarian and has considerably strengthened the Mercer Library while present here three days a week. Further, he has professionalized the administration of the Archives of the Diocese to an extraordinary degree. His bywords are: faithful progress. Charles will now be present here Tuesday through Saturday each week. I am very pleased to make this announcement.
If you have not done so recently, or perhaps ever, please do plan to visit Mercer Library during its new extended hours Tuesday through Saturday. Any member of a congregation of the Diocese can apply for a library card, research our holdings online, and borrow books for personal enrichment or for a course in progress. Do take advantage of this great resource.
Finally, but certainly not incidentally. warm and sincere wishes from the staff of Mercer School of Theology to all of our friends near and far for a continuing and ever-more-joyful celebration of the Lord's Resurrection throughout this season of Easter!
Wishing you Easter peace,
John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island
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