Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 3 Faith Formation Event - Last Word!

May 1, 2014

Dear Friends,

Christ is risen, alleluia!

Let the celebration of God's triumph over sin and death continue!

Firstly, registration is available online through today (April 30th) for the 2nd annual Faith Formation Convocation in Garden City this Saturday,  May 3.  Navigate to this web address and register now:

Director of the Tracing Center on the Histories and Legacies of Slavery, James DeWolf Perry's opening address will be  Let Us Be Repairers of the Breach: Addressing the Legacy of Race and Building Beloved Community.  There will follow a day of amazing workshops, exhibitors, and time to connect with colleagues and friends old and new.  Register now as space is limited!

We have some great workshops set up as well.
Convocation participants are invited to choose among the following excellent workshops:

- Making Spiritual Growth Our Top Priority, and
- Discerning the Shape of the Liturgy for Alternative Services,
given by the Reverend Jay Sidebotham, Director of RenewalWorls, a new ministry of Forward Movement.

- Sweet Conversations: Practicing the Ministry of Presence,
given by Denise Tangney, a Christian contemplative and a leader in The Guild for Spiritual Guidance.  Her work with the the Graymore Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Institute promotes Christian unity and interreligious dialogue in North America.

- An Introduction to Godly Play,
given by Melinda Bradley of Christ Church, Oyster Bay.  Know more about Godly Play and how your children can experience it in your parish.

- Guided Meditation: Making a Space for God to Find You,
given by Brother Mark D'Alessio, SSF of Little Portion Friary, Mt Sinai NY

- Building Beloved Community in Multicultural Contexts: a panel conversation with diverse leaders, moderated by the Reverend Canon Stephanie Spellers of the Diocese of Long Island

- Smells Like Teen Spirit: Stories and Strategies to Keep Youth Connected,
given by Kristen Ochtera of the Cathedral of the Incarnation staff, Garden City NY

- EfM: Education for Ministry & New Programs,
given by Karen Meridith, Executive Director of Education for Ministry

- Creating a Retreat for Your Parish,
given by the Reverend Kassinda Ellis, Priest-in-Charge at Saint Paul's Church. Roosevelt NY
- LGBTQ Spirituality, given by Brother Mark D'Alessio of Little Portion Friary, Mt Sinai NY
- Strategies for Becoming a Missional Church,  presented by the Reverend Canon Stephanie Spellers of the Diocese of Long Island
- Using Our Faith as a Tool in the Fight for Immigration Justice in our Parishes and Communities, given by Ravi Ragbir of the New Sanctuary Coalition - NYC
There will be two workshop sessions presented.

And finally, a number of fine exhibitors will be available in the Mercer corridors to talk with participants and to offer quality books and information.  Make sure to visit these fine exhibitors in the corridor between the Mercer Library and the Chapel of the Good Shepherd.

Camp DeWolfe, Wading River NY

Twenty-Third Publications, serving the Church for more than 40 years

Have you signed up yet?  A few hours remain. Join us this Saturday for an enriching and joyful day.
Joy to you from your friends at Mercer School of Theology!

John McGinty+
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island
New York

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Tidings and an Ongoing Invitation for May 3

Dear Friends,

Firstly, registration is available online for the 2nd annual Faith Formation Convocation in Garden City on Saturday,  May 3.  Navigate to this web address and register now:

Director of the Tracing Center on the Histories and Legacies of Slavery, James DeWolf Perry's opening address will be  Let Us Be Repairers of the Breach: Addressing the Legacy of Race and Building Beloved Community.  There will follow a day of amazing workshops, exhibitors, and time to connect with colleagues and friends old and new.  Register now as space is limited!

Secondly, I am delighted to announce that Charles Egleston, Mercer School Librarian and Archivist of the Diocese of Long Island will move from part-time to full-time with us next Tuesday, April 15 at my invitation.  Charles is a skilled and dedicated librarian and has considerably strengthened the Mercer Library while present here three days a week.  Further, he has professionalized the administration of the Archives of the Diocese to an extraordinary degree.  His bywords are: faithful progress. Charles will now be present here Tuesday through Saturday each week.  I am very pleased to make this announcement.  

If you have not done so recently, or perhaps ever, please do plan to visit Mercer Library during its new extended hours Tuesday through Saturday.  Any member of a congregation of the Diocese can apply for a library card, research our holdings online, and borrow books for personal enrichment or for a course in progress. Do take advantage of this great resource.

Finally, but certainly not incidentally. warm and sincere wishes from the staff of Mercer School of Theology to all of our friends near and far for a continuing and ever-more-joyful celebration of the Lord's Resurrection throughout this season of Easter!

Wishing you Easter peace,

John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island

Friday, April 11, 2014

Two Big (and One Small) Announcement(s) from Mercer School

Dear Friends,

Firstly, registration is available online for the 2nd annual Faith Formation Convocation in Garden City on Saturday,  May 3.  Navigate to this web address and register now:

Director of the Tracing Center on the Histories and Legacies of Slavery, James DeWolf Perry's opening address will be  Let Us Be Repairers of the Breach: Addressing the Legacy of Race and Building Beloved Community.  There will follow a day of amazing workshops, exhibitors, and time to connect with colleagues and friends old and new.  Register now as space is limited!

Secondly, I am delighted to announce that Charles Egleston, Mercer School Librarian and Archivist of the Diocese of Long Island will move from part-time to full-time with us next Tuesday, April 15 at my invitation.  Charles is a skilled and dedicated librarian and has considerably strengthened the Mercer Library while present here three days a week.  Further, he has professionalized the administration of the Archives of the Diocese to an extraordinary degree.  His bywords are: faithful progress. Charles will now be present here Tuesday through Saturday each week.  I am very pleased to make this announcement.  

If you have not done so recently, or perhaps ever, please do plan to visit Mercer Library during its new extended hours Tuesday through Saturday.  Any member of a congregation of the Diocese can apply for a library card, research our holdings online, and borrow books for personal enrichment or for a course in progress. Do take advantage of this great resource.

Thirdly, we enter together now into the mystery and depth of the celebrations of Holy Week.  We here at Mercer School are joined with you in prayer and contemplation over these approaching holiest days. Do note that Mercer School offices will close at 5:00 pm on Wednesday, April 16th and re-open on Wednesday, April 23rd at 9:00 am.  

From the proper Preface for Holy Week . . .

For our sins Jesus Christ was lifted high 
upon the cross, that he might draw the whole world to
himself; and, by his suffering and death, he became the
source of eternal salvation for all who put their trust in him.

Sincerely in Christ,
John P. McGinty+
Canon for Formation

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A New Month: Looking Ahead

4th Week of Lent
April 1, 2014

Dear Friends,

Later today we will be sending out from Mercer our monthly email sharing upcoming events. Featured in the outgoing issue are ongoing Lenten season events, the next Safe Church training at Mercer, as well as registration information for the May 3 Faith Formation Convocation described below.  Do share the news with three friends and colleagues, and lan to visit us soon.

The Diocese of Long Island's second annual Faith Formation Convocation is scheduled for Saturday, May 3rd. Much more information will be coming soon, including posters about the event for our parish communities,  and a finalized list of workshop presenters and themes.

The overall theme for this second gathering of those in our diocese who share the faith with children, deepen the faith with adults, and sustain the faith of all, will focus on the vital issues around race, racism, appreciating diversity and building up one community embracing us all. 

Nationally and within the church we are often reticent to face issues around racial divisions head-on.  Yet if we are to be truly one in Christ; if we are to be able to pass on one faith with one effective voice, we must talk together about race, racism, and diversity among us.

So, we are delighted to be able to welcome as our keynote speaker on May 3 the Executive Director of the Tracing Center on the Histories and Legacies of Slavery, James DeWolf Perry.
The Center expresses their mission in these few words:

Our mission is to educate the public about the history and legacy of race and other forms of discrimination, in order to change hearts and minds, foster dialogue, and encourage healing and justice. 
To carry out that mission, the Center engages with corporations, municipalities, churches and non-profits to educate and to encourage dialogue.  Traces of the Trade: a story from the deep north ( is the Center's 2008 Emmy-nominated documentary film on the slave trade history of one family, the DeWolf family of Bristol, Rhode Island, and how that trade's effects reach from that one point in space and time to affect so many and so much.  We will be screening the film at the Mercer Library during the week prior to the Convocation on May 3rd.

The title of James DeWolf Perry's opening address will be Let Us Be Repairers of the Breach: Addressing the Legacy of Race and Building Beloved Community.

You can learn more about the work of the Tracing Center at their website -  

I hope that a great number of faith formation workers in our diocese will plan to be here at Mercer on May 3rd.  It will be a day to be remembered.
Wishing you and yours all the blessings of this season,

John McGinty+

Mercer: providing space & time for worthwhile conversation
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island

PS. If you are on Twitter, so are we @MercerTheology.  Throughout Lent we are sharing a daily word intended to help us keep focused on the matter at hand: living in Christ together.  Pax!