Friday, May 29, 2015

Mercer Planning 2015 - 2016

May 29, 2015

Dear Friends,

Provenzano Point at Camp DeWolfe (May 2015)
Our little Mercer day-to-day staff of three met off-site the other day at our diocese's beautiful Camp DeWolfe in Wading River NY to plan Mercer programming for the 2015 - 2016 year. I am happy to say that we have the year from August 2015 until June 2016 planned with events and activities designed to resource our clergy, congregations and all persons interested near and far.

We have aimed this coming year:

 - to streamline our offerings;
 - to offer hybrid courses in which much of the study and conversation happen online with in-person meetings to complement that online interaction.

In addition, we intend to make material from online courses available continuously online once the course itself is complete.

You can expect our listing of next year's events to be up on the Mercer School online calendar very soon.

Finally, I am excited to share with you news that the link to access our inaugural Robert Farrar Capon Lecture with the Reverend Canon Lloyd A. Lewis is ready. The audio of his masterful lecture, as well as images of the gathering, are available there.  The link will be posted both on the Mercer School site (www/ and the website of the Diocese of Long Island (
John McGinty+
Canon for Formation

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Planning for the 2015-2016 Mercer Theology Year

The George Mercer Jr. Memorial

School of Theology

May 16, 2015

Dear Friends,

Here at Mercer School of Theology we are looking ahead, "straining ahead" as Saint Paul would have it, with all our heart and mind.

Our website is being renewed and we hope to have that ready to go live within weeks.

We are planning programming for next year as well. Each of the workshops we sponsor - for Safe Church, Racism Awareness, for Vestries and Church Treasurers, Eucharistic Visitor training and more - will continue unabated.  We also will continue to provide spiritual sustenance in tandem with our partners in the Long Island Faith Formation Team of our diocese - the youth & young adult ministry office, Camp DeWolfe, and Education for Ministry.

In addition, there are changes being made to our diocesan School for Ministry.  We are beefing up our preparation for ordination both for vocational deacons and priests. More on this later.

Next year we hope to resource people from across the diocese (and beyond) with a series of half-day events (usually Saturdays) which will address some of the 'biggies' of church life:
* marriage and family issues,
* effective Christian education,
*youth and young adult ministry
*development and effective parish stewardship
* music and worship
. . . and more.

Each of these events will feature leaders prominent in knowledge and ability in the topic of the day.The goal is to energize you and to provide you new ways to think about and engage these areas of our life together.

And, since we find consistently that the viability of on-site courses of any length taking place at Mercer is consistently a problem, we will be offering hybrid and online courses in areas of theological and ecclesial interest.  (A hybrid course features some meeting in-person and the remainder online).

Finally, our ongoing lecture series in spirituality (Being Human) and that in memory of Dean Robert Farrar Capon will continue. The first Capon Lecture will take place Next Thursday evening, May 21, with the Rev Canon "Tony" Lewis.

I hope this description provides some idea of who we are and what we are attempting here at Mercer School of Theology.  As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome to
John McGinty+

Canon for Formation

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Postponement of Faith Formation Convocation (originally May 16th)

May 14, 2015
Ascension Day

Dear Friends,

It is with regret that I inform you that our 3rd annual Faith Formation day, scheduled for this Saturday, May 16th, will be postponed until a later date yet to be determined.

We have worked hard to plan for this third annual gathering, intended to support and nourish those involved and interested in passing on the faith from generation to generation.  I have been excited that seven congregations and others involved in innovative and growing ministries across the diocese had agreed to present workshops sharing the good work they are doing.

Sadly, despite our best efforts, the number of registered participants was far from robust enough to sustain the day.  We will be working to understand why this has been so and to plan more effectively for the future.  Our intent is to provide the resources you need to know and teach and live the faith well.

Please accept my apologies.  Registered participants will be reimbursed their registration fees, of course.  We intend to reschedule this offering to a later date, likely during the fall of this year of 2015.

Blessings to you this day of Ascension!  May Christ, seated at the right hand of his Abba and ours, strengthen us all for the good work we have been given to do.


John P. McGinty+

Canon for Formation
Dean, Mercer School of Theology

Saturday, May 2, 2015

What do we mean by "Faith Formation"?

Dear Friends,

On Saturday, May 16 at Mercer School the Diocese of Long Island's 3rd annual Faith Formation Convocation will take place.  Our theme this year is:

Walk [Still] in Love, as Christ Loved Us.

You can get more information and register by clicking: FFCIII

But what do we mean by the phrase "faith formation"?  Sometimes we can take for granted that everybody knows what we mean by church-language, even when it changes over time.  

So . . .

  • do you teach Sunday School?
  • are you involved in youth ministry, or would you like there to be a youth or young adult ministry in your church?
  • do you participate in an adult educational forum in your parish?
  • do you listen to a sermon on Sundays (or do you write one)?
  • do you want to make sure your parish has a living word to say to your neighborhood?
  • do you want to assure that every generation in your parish community hears a caring word from the church?
If you answer "Yes!" to any of these, you are involved in faith formation.  Already.  And the day coming up on May 16th is meant to support and resource and inform and assist you in this ministry.

If you have more questions about faith formation, be in touch!


Canon John McGinty
Dean, Mercer School of Theology