Saturday, March 28, 2015

Upcoming Events!

March 28, 2015 

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Spring is a great time to renew your spirit and enliven mind and heart by coming out to attend an upcoming event at Mercer School.

A visit to the Upcoming Events/Register tab on the Mercer School homepage will reveal that there is a lot going on between now and June of this year at your school.  Here I want to highlight just a couple of upcoming events.   Consider yourself warmly invited to come and participate!

On April 18th we will be delighted to welcome Sharon Ely Pearson, Christian Formation Specialist for Church Publishing.  With over thirty years experience in Christian formation at the parish, provincial, and church-wide level, she is recognized for her knowledge of curriculum for children, youth and adults as well as her passion for holistic life learning.  On April 18th her theme will be Sowing Seeds: Planting & Tending Your Christian Formation Ministries. Presentations on April 18th will include:

  • Forming Faithful Disciples
  • A Process for Choosing Curriculum
  • Planning Confirmation for the 21st Century
You can learn more about the day and register easily online by clicking on the day's title right here: Sowing Seeds

In addition, we are very happy to welcome author and consultant Joy Skegstad for a 2-day conference open to all on May 1 and 2.  The theme is: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners.  These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible.  Join us for one or both days at Mercer School of Theology.  For full information on our presenter and what this conference will bring to you and your church, as well as to easily register, visit this web address or simply click on the event's title here: NewCommunityMinistryNewFundingPartners

"With the right approach, it is possible for a small group of people to make a big impact. It will take focus and clarity about what you are trying to accomplish, but the small church can make a big impact in the world through partnerships, creative use of resources, and a focus on relational ministry. Small congregations have unique strengths that can result in strong and effective community ministry."
~ Joy Skjegstad 

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Two Upcoming Events for You

March 25, 2015
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

A visit to the Upcoming Events/Register tab on the Mercer School homepage will reveal that there is a lot going on between now and June of this year at your school.  Here I want to highlight just a couple of upcoming events.  Return here in a few days as I will bring more forward.  Consider yourself warmly invited to come and participate!

On April 23rd, we will hold our ongoing Racism Awareness Program training.  This session, however, will not take place at Garden City.  This session will be over to the east, at Saint Luke's Parish in East Hampton.  The training is daylong, opening at 10 am and closing at 4 pm.  At Mercer we are grateful to Saint Luke's Rector, the Reverend Denis Brunelle, and to the staff and people of the parish. You can find out more and easily register by clicking on the following web address:

We are very happy to welcome author and consultant Joy Skjegstad for a 2-day conference open to all on May 1 and 2.  The theme is: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners. These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible.  Join us for one or both days at Mercer School of Theology.  For full information on who our presenter is and what this conference will bring to you and your church, as well as to easily register, visit this web address

"With the right approach, it is possible for a small group of people to make a big impact. It will take focus and clarity about what you are trying to accomplish, but the small church can make a big impact in the world through partnerships, creative use of resources, and a focus on relational ministry. Small congregations have unique strengths that can result in strong and effective community ministry."
~ Joy Skjegstad 

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bishop Walker's Memorial Service Saturday, and Newly-Planned Racism Awareness training

March 19, 2015
Saint Joseph

Dear Friends,

Saint Joseph's Day always reminds me, above all, of the responsibility and the joy that we have in caring for one another.  Simply that.  In all the myriad ways it can happen, through all the ways of relating to one another we know in the human family, from the most intimate in families to the most apparently incidental in recognizing the humanity of a homeless person along the street, we are responsible to and for one another, all of us.  And there is joy in embracing that truth with full heart.

This Saturday, March 21, the Diocese of Long Island will gather at the Cathedral of the Incarnation at 11 am to pray together for Bishop Orris Walker, Bishop here for many years.  The moment of death provides a unique invitation and opportunity for a community to give thanks for the good that has been, to reflect on moments of difficulty, and to ask God's rich blessing on the servant who has been called to rest.  It is a reminder that we are all in God's hands, and that we could not be anywhere better.

Be sure to visit our Events/Register button on the left-navigation panel of the Mercer School home page.  Changes and additions happen.  We have added now a further day-long session of the diocese's Racism Awareness Program.  This session will take place at Saint Luke Parish in East Hampton on Thursday, April 23, from 10 am to 4 pm.  For further information and easy registration, click the following link: RAP at St Luke's.  This session is in addition to that already scheduled to take place at Mercer School in Garden City on May 30th.

Blessings of the day to you and your loved ones,
John McGinty+

Canon for Formation

Friday, March 13, 2015

Short Course Announced: Ethics After Easter

March 13, 2015

Dear Friends,

How is your experience of Lent going this year?  Here in the middle it is not too late to begin, to recommit to practices that remind of our deepest identity in Jesus Christ and transform us in relation to the world.  You can do it; with the help of your sisters and brothers.  That's why we have a church!

I am happy to share with you that a short course on Ethics After Easter will be offered at Mercer by the Rev'd Brian Blayer of Grace Church, Whitestone.  The course will meet Wednesday evenings, April 22 and 29, 7 to 8:30 pm.  There is no fee and the course is open to all.  The text is Ethics After Easter by Stephen Holmgren, available on Amazon and elsewhere.

You can learn more and easily register by clicking here: Ethics After Easter @ Mercer.

John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bishop Orris Walker, Rest in Peace

March 2, 2015

Dear Friends,

As the month of March begins, the Diocese of Long Island mourns the death of its prior bishop, the Right Reverend Orris "Jay" Walker. Bishop Walker served first as coadjutor bishop from 1989 and then as diocesan bishop from 1991 to 2009.  

Bishop Walker was the first bishop in the history of the diocese to ordain women to priesthood.  He carried always a feel and appreciation for the diversity of the diocese.As we mourn and pray, we ask God's blessing upon Bishop Walker and entry into rest and God's comfort for his wife and family, and upon all those whose lives were moved by his ministry in the name of Christ.

We have gathered a sampling of the many resources for the season of Lent online this year. You are most welcome to check out our suggestions at this web address on the Mercer School of Theology website:
Open Gates is published each day ( and our website ( and Facebook (Conversations at Mercer) and Twitter (@MercerTheology) connections are up and active. Stay in touch!


John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School of Theology
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island