Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Speaking of Spring . . .

January 27, 2015

Dear Friends,

Even as the NFL SuperBowl date approaches, I hear friends looking ahead with longing toward the opening of spring training for that other quintessential American sporting pastime - baseball.

As I write, the remains of Blizzard Juneau as it was named at the end of January is passing over my head.  It does not look or feel at all like there is a reality called 'spring' to be expected.  But of course, gracious memory and experience assures us that it will indeed come.

Here at Mercer School, in tandem with our partners in the diocese LIFFT (Long Island Faith Formation Team, representing Education for Ministry, the Youth and Young Adult Ministry office, and Camp DeWolfe along with Mercer) we are sending out an email with many exciting events stretching from the heart of winter (February) to the opening of summer (June).  And we are calling it all Spring 2015.

When you receive the email, you'll see that almost every listed event has a brief description, followed by a link for 'further information and registration.'  Clicking there will bring to a page dedicated to that individual event and include a link for registration easily done.  You can always call the Mercer office with any lingering questions too.

This spring will witness, among many other events . . .

  • our 3rd annual Faith Formation Convocation, this year hoping to focus directly on the great work being done here in the congregations of our diocese;
  • the first Robert Farrar Capon Memorial Lecture, to be presented in memory of our recently deceased former Dean of Mercer by one of his distinguished successors, the Rev. Dr. "Tony" Lewis of Virginia Theological Seminary;
  • a day for religious educators on Confirmation in the 21st century and faith formation in the future with accomplished editor, blogger, and educator Sharon Ely Pearson;
  • a 2-day forum at the beginning of May with author Joy Skjegstad on New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners; These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible; join us for one or both days, May 1/2, 2015 at Mercer School of Theology; cosponsored by Episcopal Ministries of Long Island and the Parish Resource Center;
  • our ongoing workshops on Safe Church, Racism Awareness, resources for vestries and more;
  • an amazing variety of opportunities to bring spirituality alive in retreats and days of reflection for adults and youth, including a lenten retreat for friends in 12-step programs;
  • and - this is really true - much much more!
All of these events are listed as well on our Mercer School calendar on the Mercer website - hit the link for Events/Register on our homepage.

In addition, at email's end, you'll see an opportunity opening at Mercer School that might be for you, or for which you might be able to suggest a resource.  Our outreach on the web, in social media, in the in-house use of technology, on many fronts, has grown robust enough to benefit now by ongoing, skilled help, whether on-staff or consulting.  See more on our email as you receive it.

In the midst of winter, hope for spring!

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation
Dean, Mercer School of Theology

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Trinity Institute @ Mercer January 22-24, 2015

January 8, 2015

Dear Friends,

 I announced here a few day ago that Mercer School will be a satellite site later this month (January 22-24) for the 44th Trinity Institute. This year's theme is Creating Common Good. It is a conference on economic inequality and the Gospel response. You can experience the whole of this gathering with its marvelous speakers and compelling topics right here at Mercer.

 More information and registration are available by visiting www.tinyurl.com/TrinityInstituteMercer. Cost is $40, to cover lunch Friday and Saturday. We'll cover the registration fee, a potential savings to you of hundreds of dollars. Registration is open until Monday, January 19 for your convenience. I hope you'll join us.

We have a lot to learn, and a lot to do. Again: www.tinyurl.com/TrinityInstituteMercer.
And learn more about the Institute at this address: www.TI2015.org

Yours in Christ,

 John McGinty+
 Dean, Mercer School of Theology

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Trinity Institute @ Mercer January 22-24

January 6, 2015 Epiphany Dear Friends, We celebrate this day and going forward the light of Christ shining on all the world, an invitation to every human being and the ultimate blessing of all creation. There are myriad ways that light is shared. It reaches every aspect of life. I announced here yesterday that Mercer School will be a satellite site later this month (January 22-24) for the 44th Trinity Institute. This year's theme is Creating Common Good. It is a conference on economic inequality and the Gospel response. You can experience the whole of this gathering with its marvelous speakers and compelling topics right here at Mercer. More information and registration are available by visiting . Cost is $40, to cover lunch Friday and Saturday. We'll cover the registration fee, a potential savings to you of hundreds of dollars. Registration is open until Monday, January 19 for your convenience. I hope you'll join us. We have a lot to learn, and a lot to do. Again: And learn more about the Institute at this address: Yours in Christ, John McGinty+ Dean, Mercer School of Theology Postscript - If you experience any difficulty in accessing and reading this blogpost, we are working on corrections. Thank you for your forbearance.

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's News: Trinity Institute Available at Mercer January 22-24!

January 5, 2015

Dear Friends,

New Year's greetings!

Are you feeling a sense of newness or is it the same old-same old for you?  Either way you are okay, because for Christians the 'same old' is the constant outpouring of grace reminding us from deep within that God is with us and working in and through us for the good of the world.  Take heart this day!

Exciting News!  Mercer School of Theology in Garden City is a satellite site for the annual Trinity Institute scheduled for January 22 to 24 this year. 

The theme is Creating Common Good: a practical conference for economic equality.Speakers include Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, Juliet Schor, Robert Reich and others.  Learn more at this web address - https://www.trinitywallstreet.org/trinity-institute/2015/home

Registration online for the Mercer site will open on Tuesday, January 6th.  So check this space tomorrow.  

This promises to be an enlivening, informative and helpful conference.  Plan to be with us for part or all of Creating Common Good from January 22 to 24, 2015.

Open Gates is published each day (www.mercerdaily.org) and our website (www.mercerschool.org) and Facebook (Conversations at Mercer) and Twitter (@MercerTheology) connections are up and active. Stay in touch!


John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School of Theology
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island