Friday, May 29, 2015

Mercer Planning 2015 - 2016

May 29, 2015

Dear Friends,

Provenzano Point at Camp DeWolfe (May 2015)
Our little Mercer day-to-day staff of three met off-site the other day at our diocese's beautiful Camp DeWolfe in Wading River NY to plan Mercer programming for the 2015 - 2016 year. I am happy to say that we have the year from August 2015 until June 2016 planned with events and activities designed to resource our clergy, congregations and all persons interested near and far.

We have aimed this coming year:

 - to streamline our offerings;
 - to offer hybrid courses in which much of the study and conversation happen online with in-person meetings to complement that online interaction.

In addition, we intend to make material from online courses available continuously online once the course itself is complete.

You can expect our listing of next year's events to be up on the Mercer School online calendar very soon.

Finally, I am excited to share with you news that the link to access our inaugural Robert Farrar Capon Lecture with the Reverend Canon Lloyd A. Lewis is ready. The audio of his masterful lecture, as well as images of the gathering, are available there.  The link will be posted both on the Mercer School site (www/ and the website of the Diocese of Long Island (
John McGinty+
Canon for Formation

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Planning for the 2015-2016 Mercer Theology Year

The George Mercer Jr. Memorial

School of Theology

May 16, 2015

Dear Friends,

Here at Mercer School of Theology we are looking ahead, "straining ahead" as Saint Paul would have it, with all our heart and mind.

Our website is being renewed and we hope to have that ready to go live within weeks.

We are planning programming for next year as well. Each of the workshops we sponsor - for Safe Church, Racism Awareness, for Vestries and Church Treasurers, Eucharistic Visitor training and more - will continue unabated.  We also will continue to provide spiritual sustenance in tandem with our partners in the Long Island Faith Formation Team of our diocese - the youth & young adult ministry office, Camp DeWolfe, and Education for Ministry.

In addition, there are changes being made to our diocesan School for Ministry.  We are beefing up our preparation for ordination both for vocational deacons and priests. More on this later.

Next year we hope to resource people from across the diocese (and beyond) with a series of half-day events (usually Saturdays) which will address some of the 'biggies' of church life:
* marriage and family issues,
* effective Christian education,
*youth and young adult ministry
*development and effective parish stewardship
* music and worship
. . . and more.

Each of these events will feature leaders prominent in knowledge and ability in the topic of the day.The goal is to energize you and to provide you new ways to think about and engage these areas of our life together.

And, since we find consistently that the viability of on-site courses of any length taking place at Mercer is consistently a problem, we will be offering hybrid and online courses in areas of theological and ecclesial interest.  (A hybrid course features some meeting in-person and the remainder online).

Finally, our ongoing lecture series in spirituality (Being Human) and that in memory of Dean Robert Farrar Capon will continue. The first Capon Lecture will take place Next Thursday evening, May 21, with the Rev Canon "Tony" Lewis.

I hope this description provides some idea of who we are and what we are attempting here at Mercer School of Theology.  As always, your comments and suggestions are welcome to
John McGinty+

Canon for Formation

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Postponement of Faith Formation Convocation (originally May 16th)

May 14, 2015
Ascension Day

Dear Friends,

It is with regret that I inform you that our 3rd annual Faith Formation day, scheduled for this Saturday, May 16th, will be postponed until a later date yet to be determined.

We have worked hard to plan for this third annual gathering, intended to support and nourish those involved and interested in passing on the faith from generation to generation.  I have been excited that seven congregations and others involved in innovative and growing ministries across the diocese had agreed to present workshops sharing the good work they are doing.

Sadly, despite our best efforts, the number of registered participants was far from robust enough to sustain the day.  We will be working to understand why this has been so and to plan more effectively for the future.  Our intent is to provide the resources you need to know and teach and live the faith well.

Please accept my apologies.  Registered participants will be reimbursed their registration fees, of course.  We intend to reschedule this offering to a later date, likely during the fall of this year of 2015.

Blessings to you this day of Ascension!  May Christ, seated at the right hand of his Abba and ours, strengthen us all for the good work we have been given to do.


John P. McGinty+

Canon for Formation
Dean, Mercer School of Theology

Saturday, May 2, 2015

What do we mean by "Faith Formation"?

Dear Friends,

On Saturday, May 16 at Mercer School the Diocese of Long Island's 3rd annual Faith Formation Convocation will take place.  Our theme this year is:

Walk [Still] in Love, as Christ Loved Us.

You can get more information and register by clicking: FFCIII

But what do we mean by the phrase "faith formation"?  Sometimes we can take for granted that everybody knows what we mean by church-language, even when it changes over time.  

So . . .

  • do you teach Sunday School?
  • are you involved in youth ministry, or would you like there to be a youth or young adult ministry in your church?
  • do you participate in an adult educational forum in your parish?
  • do you listen to a sermon on Sundays (or do you write one)?
  • do you want to make sure your parish has a living word to say to your neighborhood?
  • do you want to assure that every generation in your parish community hears a caring word from the church?
If you answer "Yes!" to any of these, you are involved in faith formation.  Already.  And the day coming up on May 16th is meant to support and resource and inform and assist you in this ministry.

If you have more questions about faith formation, be in touch!


Canon John McGinty
Dean, Mercer School of Theology

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Joy Skjegstad Workshop Schedule Change - Only Saturday, May 2nd

April 22, 2015

Dear Friends,

There is a change in the scheduling and structure of the "New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners" workshop that will open the month of May here at Mercer.  Rather than being a 2-day workshop, we will meet solely on Saturday, May 2nd.  The renewed schedule is here below.

Registration will remain open at with changes made to the schedule there as soon as possible.

Forum: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners 

This workshop with author and consultant Joy Skjegstad will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible. Join us May 2, 2015 at Mercer School of Theology.

For registration, please visit

Saturday, May 2 - 

Morning session

Winning Grants to Strengthen Your Ministry
Is there grant funding available for your ministry? If so, how can you get it? This is an overview of winning grant strategies for ministries from Joy Skjegstad, a 20-year veteran grantwriter and author of Winning Grants to Strengthen Your Ministry.

You will:

Learn how to find potential funders

Gain an understanding of how corporate and foundation funders think

Learn about the process of applying for a grant

Learn how to describe and "sell" your ministry work, including the faith-based aspect

Discuss how to approach “secular” funders as a ministry organization

Afternoon Session

High Impact Community Ministry

As Christians, we are called to build relationships with our neighbors and to minister effectively to the community around us. In addition, community ministry is a key link for churches in staying relevant, reaching young adults, and practicing effective evangelism.

This training by Joy Skjegstad, author of 7 Creative Models for Community Ministry (Judson, 2013) will inspire you with new ideas and help you identify next steps for moving forward.

This session will cover:

--strategizing on building new relationships in your community

--identifying the fit between your congregations gifts/passions and the needs in your community

--developing /strengthening your current ministry strategies

--reviewing the 7 models for community ministry

--reviewing case studies from churches that have launched successful ministries

--creating volunteer opportunities that will draw out the people in your church.

John McGinty+

Canon foe Formation

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A thank you and an Invitation

April 21, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

What a great day we had this past Saturday with Sharon Ely Pearson.  Her workshop on 'sowing the seeds' well in Christian formation was filled with solid information, great ideas, humor.  Mercer and the Diocese of Long Island are grateful to Sharon for her presence and all that she offered.  WE hope to se her again 'ere long!

Looking forward, on Friday and Saturday May 1 and 2, author and consultant Joy Skjegstad will travel here to offer an informative 2-day workshop. One day will focus on building up ministry to the community by your church.  The other will offer strategies for finding funding for the good work your church wants to undertake,  You can learn more and register at this web address:
Share the news and join us!


Friday, April 17, 2015

On Christian Education and Funding Great Parish Ministry - please join us!

April 17, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Tomorrow we are overjoyed to welcome Sharon Ely Pearson, in herself one of the finest resources on Christian education, who will be here at Mercer School to offer a day of learning and resourcing to educators from the Diocese of Long Island.  Believe it or not, seats are still available.  If you are able to come you will be happy you did.  Call 516.248.4800, extension 140 today to register.

Sharon Ely Pearson

And on Friday and Saturday May 1 and 2, author and consultant Joy Skjegstad will travel here to offer an informative 2-day workshop. One day will focus on building up ministry to the community by your church.  The other will offer strategies for finding funding for the good work your church wants to undertake,  You can learn more and register at this web address:

Joy Skjegstad
And click on the video above to hear Joy Skjegstad speak about her book
7 Creative Models for Community Ministry

Share the news and join us!


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sowing Seeds - share this Saturday with Sharon Ely Pearson

April 15, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

It is Tax Day.

But there must be more to say than that!  At Mercer School of Theology here on Long Island we are excited to welcome educator Sharon Ely Pearson this Saturday, April 18th. Under the title of "Sowing Seeds," Sharon comes among us to talk about nurturing faith formation efforts in our parishes.  Included are helps on choosing the right curriculum and fashioning preparation for the celebration of confirmation that works.

You can learn more and register by navigating to this web address:

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

You are invited!

Easter Tuesday,
April 7, 2015

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

A visit to the Upcoming Events/Register tab on the Mercer School homepage will reveal that there is a lot going on between now and June of this year at your school.  Here I want to highlight just a couple of upcoming events.  Return here in a few days as I will bring more forward.  Consider yourself warmly invited to come and participate!

On April 23rd, we will hold our ongoing Racism Awareness Program training.  This session, however, will not take place at Garden City.  This session will be over to the east, at Saint Luke's Parish in East Hampton.  The training is daylong, opening at 10 am and closing at 4 pm.  At Mercer we are grateful to Saint Luke's Rector, the Reverend Denis Brunelle, and to the staff and people of the parish. You can find out more and easily register by clicking on the following web address:

We are very happy to welcome author and consultant Joy Skjegstad for a 2-day conference open to all on May 1 and 2.  The theme is: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners. These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible.  Join us for one or both days at Mercer School of Theology.  For full information on who our presenter is and what this conference will bring to you and your church, as well as to easily register, visit this web address
"With the right approach, it is possible for a small group of people to make a big impact. It will take focus and clarity about what you are trying to accomplish, but the small church can make a big impact in the world through partnerships, creative use of resources, and a focus on relational ministry. Small congregations have unique strengths that can result in strong and effective community ministry."
~ Joy Skjegstad 

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Holy Week 2015

In Christ
may we be
and one.

All the blessings of these holy days to you from the staff of the George Mercer Jr. Memorial School of Theology.

John P. McGinty+
Diane Muscarella
Charles Egleston
Katherine Salisbury+

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Upcoming Events!

March 28, 2015 

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Spring is a great time to renew your spirit and enliven mind and heart by coming out to attend an upcoming event at Mercer School.

A visit to the Upcoming Events/Register tab on the Mercer School homepage will reveal that there is a lot going on between now and June of this year at your school.  Here I want to highlight just a couple of upcoming events.   Consider yourself warmly invited to come and participate!

On April 18th we will be delighted to welcome Sharon Ely Pearson, Christian Formation Specialist for Church Publishing.  With over thirty years experience in Christian formation at the parish, provincial, and church-wide level, she is recognized for her knowledge of curriculum for children, youth and adults as well as her passion for holistic life learning.  On April 18th her theme will be Sowing Seeds: Planting & Tending Your Christian Formation Ministries. Presentations on April 18th will include:

  • Forming Faithful Disciples
  • A Process for Choosing Curriculum
  • Planning Confirmation for the 21st Century
You can learn more about the day and register easily online by clicking on the day's title right here: Sowing Seeds

In addition, we are very happy to welcome author and consultant Joy Skegstad for a 2-day conference open to all on May 1 and 2.  The theme is: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners.  These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible.  Join us for one or both days at Mercer School of Theology.  For full information on our presenter and what this conference will bring to you and your church, as well as to easily register, visit this web address or simply click on the event's title here: NewCommunityMinistryNewFundingPartners

"With the right approach, it is possible for a small group of people to make a big impact. It will take focus and clarity about what you are trying to accomplish, but the small church can make a big impact in the world through partnerships, creative use of resources, and a focus on relational ministry. Small congregations have unique strengths that can result in strong and effective community ministry."
~ Joy Skjegstad 

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Two Upcoming Events for You

March 25, 2015
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

A visit to the Upcoming Events/Register tab on the Mercer School homepage will reveal that there is a lot going on between now and June of this year at your school.  Here I want to highlight just a couple of upcoming events.  Return here in a few days as I will bring more forward.  Consider yourself warmly invited to come and participate!

On April 23rd, we will hold our ongoing Racism Awareness Program training.  This session, however, will not take place at Garden City.  This session will be over to the east, at Saint Luke's Parish in East Hampton.  The training is daylong, opening at 10 am and closing at 4 pm.  At Mercer we are grateful to Saint Luke's Rector, the Reverend Denis Brunelle, and to the staff and people of the parish. You can find out more and easily register by clicking on the following web address:

We are very happy to welcome author and consultant Joy Skjegstad for a 2-day conference open to all on May 1 and 2.  The theme is: New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners. These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible.  Join us for one or both days at Mercer School of Theology.  For full information on who our presenter is and what this conference will bring to you and your church, as well as to easily register, visit this web address

"With the right approach, it is possible for a small group of people to make a big impact. It will take focus and clarity about what you are trying to accomplish, but the small church can make a big impact in the world through partnerships, creative use of resources, and a focus on relational ministry. Small congregations have unique strengths that can result in strong and effective community ministry."
~ Joy Skjegstad 

Share the news and join us!


The Very Rev. Canon John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Bishop Walker's Memorial Service Saturday, and Newly-Planned Racism Awareness training

March 19, 2015
Saint Joseph

Dear Friends,

Saint Joseph's Day always reminds me, above all, of the responsibility and the joy that we have in caring for one another.  Simply that.  In all the myriad ways it can happen, through all the ways of relating to one another we know in the human family, from the most intimate in families to the most apparently incidental in recognizing the humanity of a homeless person along the street, we are responsible to and for one another, all of us.  And there is joy in embracing that truth with full heart.

This Saturday, March 21, the Diocese of Long Island will gather at the Cathedral of the Incarnation at 11 am to pray together for Bishop Orris Walker, Bishop here for many years.  The moment of death provides a unique invitation and opportunity for a community to give thanks for the good that has been, to reflect on moments of difficulty, and to ask God's rich blessing on the servant who has been called to rest.  It is a reminder that we are all in God's hands, and that we could not be anywhere better.

Be sure to visit our Events/Register button on the left-navigation panel of the Mercer School home page.  Changes and additions happen.  We have added now a further day-long session of the diocese's Racism Awareness Program.  This session will take place at Saint Luke Parish in East Hampton on Thursday, April 23, from 10 am to 4 pm.  For further information and easy registration, click the following link: RAP at St Luke's.  This session is in addition to that already scheduled to take place at Mercer School in Garden City on May 30th.

Blessings of the day to you and your loved ones,
John McGinty+

Canon for Formation

Friday, March 13, 2015

Short Course Announced: Ethics After Easter

March 13, 2015

Dear Friends,

How is your experience of Lent going this year?  Here in the middle it is not too late to begin, to recommit to practices that remind of our deepest identity in Jesus Christ and transform us in relation to the world.  You can do it; with the help of your sisters and brothers.  That's why we have a church!

I am happy to share with you that a short course on Ethics After Easter will be offered at Mercer by the Rev'd Brian Blayer of Grace Church, Whitestone.  The course will meet Wednesday evenings, April 22 and 29, 7 to 8:30 pm.  There is no fee and the course is open to all.  The text is Ethics After Easter by Stephen Holmgren, available on Amazon and elsewhere.

You can learn more and easily register by clicking here: Ethics After Easter @ Mercer.

John McGinty
Canon for Formation

Monday, March 2, 2015

Bishop Orris Walker, Rest in Peace

March 2, 2015

Dear Friends,

As the month of March begins, the Diocese of Long Island mourns the death of its prior bishop, the Right Reverend Orris "Jay" Walker. Bishop Walker served first as coadjutor bishop from 1989 and then as diocesan bishop from 1991 to 2009.  

Bishop Walker was the first bishop in the history of the diocese to ordain women to priesthood.  He carried always a feel and appreciation for the diversity of the diocese.As we mourn and pray, we ask God's blessing upon Bishop Walker and entry into rest and God's comfort for his wife and family, and upon all those whose lives were moved by his ministry in the name of Christ.

We have gathered a sampling of the many resources for the season of Lent online this year. You are most welcome to check out our suggestions at this web address on the Mercer School of Theology website:
Open Gates is published each day ( and our website ( and Facebook (Conversations at Mercer) and Twitter (@MercerTheology) connections are up and active. Stay in touch!


John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School of Theology
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Coming of Lent

February 17, 2015

Dear Friends,

Tomorrow all over the surface of the earth Christian believers will gather in churches, in train stations, in tiny chapels and grand cathedrals to accept on their bodies a simple sign in the dust of the earth that says, "I am a mortal, fallible sinner and I intend to repent."  So will begin the season of Lent.  It is indeed a season of penance and repentance.  It is as well a long retreat to recall the meaning lifelong of our sharing baptism into Christ.

The form this season takes for some of us year to year appears to be this: it is a season to be the type of serious Christian we are not the remainder of the year.  This time around we might consider allowing tthe practices and experience of the season to be a beginning that does not end with the coming of Easter. Rather, might it not be a reformation of life that commences now and grows into future fullness? 

Who are we called to be in Christ?  Not just tomorrow, and not only until Easter, but always.

I hope you will find useful, both for personal enrichment and parish ministry. the Lenten Resources gathered on a page here on the Mercer School website for the season.

Lenten blessings,

John P. McGinty+
Canon for Formation

Thursday, February 5, 2015

New Semester Opens @ Mercer

February 5, 2015

Dear Friends,

Our new semester at Mercer School of Theology begins this month. You can find information about our courses, lectures, workshops and other events currently scheduled from now to June by following this link to our recent email:

There you get full information about what we have going on and register online as well for almost all our events.

If you don't see something there that you would like to see happening, email your idea to

Open Gates is published each day ( and our website ( and Facebook (Conversations at Mercer) and Twitter (@MercerTheology) connections are up and active. Stay in touch!


John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School of Theology
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island

Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Month, New Semester, New Superbowl!

February 1, 2015

Dear Friends,

Already the second month of the year 2015 dawns.  Here in the northeastern United States we are bracing for another dose of snowfall.

Our new semester at Mercer School of Theology also begins today.  You can find information about our courses, lectures, workshops and other events currently scheduled from now to June by following this link to our recent email:

There you get full information about what we have going on and register online as well for almost all our events.

If you don't see something there that you would like to see happening, email your idea to

Oh!  Tonight comes the SuperBowl.  Perhaps I should be impartial, but I was born just north of Boston and from the date of their formation in the 60's every Patriots game ever - even when broadcasts were only by radio - has been heard and attended to in our house. Just saying.

Open Gates is published each day ( and our website ( and Facebook (Conversations at Mercer) and Twitter (@MercerTheology) connections are up and active. Stay in touch!


John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School of Theology
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Speaking of Spring . . .

January 27, 2015

Dear Friends,

Even as the NFL SuperBowl date approaches, I hear friends looking ahead with longing toward the opening of spring training for that other quintessential American sporting pastime - baseball.

As I write, the remains of Blizzard Juneau as it was named at the end of January is passing over my head.  It does not look or feel at all like there is a reality called 'spring' to be expected.  But of course, gracious memory and experience assures us that it will indeed come.

Here at Mercer School, in tandem with our partners in the diocese LIFFT (Long Island Faith Formation Team, representing Education for Ministry, the Youth and Young Adult Ministry office, and Camp DeWolfe along with Mercer) we are sending out an email with many exciting events stretching from the heart of winter (February) to the opening of summer (June).  And we are calling it all Spring 2015.

When you receive the email, you'll see that almost every listed event has a brief description, followed by a link for 'further information and registration.'  Clicking there will bring to a page dedicated to that individual event and include a link for registration easily done.  You can always call the Mercer office with any lingering questions too.

This spring will witness, among many other events . . .

  • our 3rd annual Faith Formation Convocation, this year hoping to focus directly on the great work being done here in the congregations of our diocese;
  • the first Robert Farrar Capon Memorial Lecture, to be presented in memory of our recently deceased former Dean of Mercer by one of his distinguished successors, the Rev. Dr. "Tony" Lewis of Virginia Theological Seminary;
  • a day for religious educators on Confirmation in the 21st century and faith formation in the future with accomplished editor, blogger, and educator Sharon Ely Pearson;
  • a 2-day forum at the beginning of May with author Joy Skjegstad on New Community Ministry, New Funding Partners; These two days will assist clergy and lay leaders in undertaking effective ministry in the local community and in finding funding to make it possible; join us for one or both days, May 1/2, 2015 at Mercer School of Theology; cosponsored by Episcopal Ministries of Long Island and the Parish Resource Center;
  • our ongoing workshops on Safe Church, Racism Awareness, resources for vestries and more;
  • an amazing variety of opportunities to bring spirituality alive in retreats and days of reflection for adults and youth, including a lenten retreat for friends in 12-step programs;
  • and - this is really true - much much more!
All of these events are listed as well on our Mercer School calendar on the Mercer website - hit the link for Events/Register on our homepage.

In addition, at email's end, you'll see an opportunity opening at Mercer School that might be for you, or for which you might be able to suggest a resource.  Our outreach on the web, in social media, in the in-house use of technology, on many fronts, has grown robust enough to benefit now by ongoing, skilled help, whether on-staff or consulting.  See more on our email as you receive it.

In the midst of winter, hope for spring!

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation
Dean, Mercer School of Theology

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Trinity Institute @ Mercer January 22-24, 2015

January 8, 2015

Dear Friends,

 I announced here a few day ago that Mercer School will be a satellite site later this month (January 22-24) for the 44th Trinity Institute. This year's theme is Creating Common Good. It is a conference on economic inequality and the Gospel response. You can experience the whole of this gathering with its marvelous speakers and compelling topics right here at Mercer.

 More information and registration are available by visiting Cost is $40, to cover lunch Friday and Saturday. We'll cover the registration fee, a potential savings to you of hundreds of dollars. Registration is open until Monday, January 19 for your convenience. I hope you'll join us.

We have a lot to learn, and a lot to do. Again:
And learn more about the Institute at this address:

Yours in Christ,

 John McGinty+
 Dean, Mercer School of Theology

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Trinity Institute @ Mercer January 22-24

January 6, 2015 Epiphany Dear Friends, We celebrate this day and going forward the light of Christ shining on all the world, an invitation to every human being and the ultimate blessing of all creation. There are myriad ways that light is shared. It reaches every aspect of life. I announced here yesterday that Mercer School will be a satellite site later this month (January 22-24) for the 44th Trinity Institute. This year's theme is Creating Common Good. It is a conference on economic inequality and the Gospel response. You can experience the whole of this gathering with its marvelous speakers and compelling topics right here at Mercer. More information and registration are available by visiting . Cost is $40, to cover lunch Friday and Saturday. We'll cover the registration fee, a potential savings to you of hundreds of dollars. Registration is open until Monday, January 19 for your convenience. I hope you'll join us. We have a lot to learn, and a lot to do. Again: And learn more about the Institute at this address: Yours in Christ, John McGinty+ Dean, Mercer School of Theology Postscript - If you experience any difficulty in accessing and reading this blogpost, we are working on corrections. Thank you for your forbearance.

Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year's News: Trinity Institute Available at Mercer January 22-24!

January 5, 2015

Dear Friends,

New Year's greetings!

Are you feeling a sense of newness or is it the same old-same old for you?  Either way you are okay, because for Christians the 'same old' is the constant outpouring of grace reminding us from deep within that God is with us and working in and through us for the good of the world.  Take heart this day!

Exciting News!  Mercer School of Theology in Garden City is a satellite site for the annual Trinity Institute scheduled for January 22 to 24 this year. 

The theme is Creating Common Good: a practical conference for economic equality.Speakers include Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, Juliet Schor, Robert Reich and others.  Learn more at this web address -

Registration online for the Mercer site will open on Tuesday, January 6th.  So check this space tomorrow.  

This promises to be an enlivening, informative and helpful conference.  Plan to be with us for part or all of Creating Common Good from January 22 to 24, 2015.

Open Gates is published each day ( and our website ( and Facebook (Conversations at Mercer) and Twitter (@MercerTheology) connections are up and active. Stay in touch!


John McGinty+
Dean, Mercer School of Theology
Canon for Formation
Diocese of Long Island