Monday, October 27, 2014

The Future Mercer School: what should it look like and where should it be?

October 27-29, 2014

Dear Friends,

The Mercer Board of Trustees willl meet Wednesday evening, October 29 for the second time in 2 months.  This meeting will feature in its entirety an open discussion about how best to fulfill Mercer School of Theology's mission for the present and future.

Experience over the last decade has shown decreasing interest on the part of laity, and a following trend by clergy, to come to Mercer at Garden City repeatedly to take part in an ongoing course.  This appears to hold true even when we know that the subject matter is of interest to many.

How do we address this effectively?  I think we need to consider:

(1) more Mercer events off-site in other locations in the diocese, as we began to do last year;

(2) more resources, including taped lectures, podcasts and textual resources placed on the internet, and thus available to anyone, anywhere at any time,

(3) more one-day substantial, well-planned and well-executed gatherings on a given topic or ministry in the church.

I look forward to hearing what our Board will advise on Wednesday evening.  

Do you have ideas?  You can comment here at Open Gates. Or tweet us @MercerTheology #MercerFuture.  Your ideas are valued.

As always, can access an up-to-date listing of Mercer fall theological/spirituality events today at:

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation 
The Very Rev. Canon John P. McGinty
Canon for Formation

Friday, October 24, 2014

Love or Fear: both are in us, but which will we choose?

October 24-26, 2014

Dear Friends,

This Sunday's Gospel reading from Matthew, during which Jesus' continuing feuds with his adversaries includes his powerful affirmation of the place of love at the center of life, is a challenge to us in perhaps more ways than we would like to consider. 

This love, echoing from hallowed texts of the Hebrew Scriptures and lovingly affirmed by the Christ, remains always and everywhere radically open: open to God and open to others in the human family.  All others, as I read it, in the human family.

For more than a few of us, fear stands between our hearts and a full-scale no-holds-barred acceptance of this Godly teaching.  And, at first blush oddly enough, this being characterized more by fear than by love seems particularly evident among churches, church members, parishioners in the pews and preachers in the pulpit.  

We act, if not speak, as if there is more to fear than there is to love.  And these actions are limiting.  They lead not to life, but to death.  And what's more, all this is deceit.  The truth, as Old and New Testaments affirm strongly, is that love is the way to life.  And that there is everything before us to love, and nothing ultimately to fear.

These days of fear need us more than ever to be men and women of radical love.  Hear Jesus this weekend.  And answer the call to love of God and neighbor.

As always, can access an up-to-date listing of Mercer fall theological/spirituality events today at:

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation 
The Very Rev. Canon John P. McGinty
Canon for Formation

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Conversations, Questions, and the Hope for Provisional Answers

October 22, 2014

Dear Friends,

The news since last evening includes good note of new possibility in the standoff at General Theological Seminary.  It appears that the faculty will be going back to the classrooms and that an embracing of the call to reconciliation is in the air.  May it be so.

The contexts within which all this has happened locally are many.  Questions abound in the church as to the shape ministry is to take today and tomorrow in order to be faithful to the Gospel and linked to the real needs of the world around us.  These questions in turn are connected to the continuing open-ended conversation about what constitutes a good theological education in our day.  What do men and women in ministry need to know?  What are the best ways for them to learn that?  What are the ways that encourage them in turn, as servants of God's people, to become loving teachers of what they have come to hold in their hearts as life-giving knowledge?

Yesterday the Board of the Society for the Increase of Ministry held its semi-annual meeting.  All these questions and more informed the open and wide-ranging conversation of this group dedicated to the support of those preparing to serve in ordained ministry.  Final answers were not to be found yesterday.  Faithful commitment to continue to look together for the path to the future, however, was very much present. You can learn more about SIM and support their good work on behalf of excellent church leadership at

As always, can access an up-to-date listing of Mercer fall theological/spirituality events today at:

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation 
The Very Rev. Canon John P. McGinty
Canon for Formation

Monday, October 20, 2014

Grace, General Theological, and Authority

October 20, 2014

Dear Friends,

It appears that the difficult situation at General Theological Seminary is not approaching resolution.  There is public notice of efforts being made, but a growing sense of progress, reconciliation, a positivie future, has yet to emerge.

Primary players in this drama include the Dean, the faculty, and the Board of the seminary.  An innumerable number of  very interested observers are arranged to either side, and many of them have viewpoints to share as well.

Not to be forgotten in the fray are the students of GTS, many of whom have only just arrived this fall to answer in that place a call from God to service.  They will learn much from these days.  It remains to be seen if what is learned will stand them in good stead in days to come or not.

Torn open here for all to see, whatever be the outcome of the present strife in Chelsea, are the very real questions of how best to prepare men and women for ministry today? And how is the authority carried to address those questions?  And who carries that authority?

In Gospel terms, authority is service.  And it is service undertaken in common.  At General and elsewhere, we seek the grace to recognize the way to that common service.  

That may sound like pious drivel.  On the contrary, I assure you, it is the definite and difficult path forward, now and always.  Let us wish the principal players in the drama every good gift and strength needful to get the job, if not done, underway.

You can access an up-to-date listing of Mercer fall theological/spirituality events today at:

Thursday, October 16, 2014


October 16, 2014

Dear Friends,

It doesn't take a high level of attentiveness these days (unfortunately) to note that the world, which is always in an uproar, seems to be near and far in a greater uproar than usual.

Wars, wars-not-called-wars, deadly viruses, seminary upsets upsetting the church, and much more: it feels like a rough ride right now.

From the perspective of a school of theology, two questions seem immediately worthy of consideration: (1) how does theology matter in the midst of all the above? and (2) what does it look like to trust God in our present situation?

If you have ideas on these questions, tweet us @MercerTheology, #HardTimesTheology.

You can access an up-to-date listing of Mercer fall theological/spirituality events today at:

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation 
The Very Rev. Canon John P. McGinty
Canon for Formation

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Traditional openness: tradition is a living thing.

October 8, 2014

Dear Friends,

So, how much do we need to know our own traditions in order to assess how well they can respond to our present reality?

Extraordinarily well.  
Better than almost any of us know them.

And how open do we need to be to new ideas, fresh approaches, innovative ways of carrying out the mission received from Christ?

Wide open.

Absolutely wide open.

Ruling nothing out before it has been tested well.

You can access an up-to-date listing of Mercer fall theological/spirituality events today at:

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation 
The Very Rev. Canon John P. McGinty
Canon for Formation

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Christian Education, Saint Francis, and Peace

October 4, 2014
Saint Francis Day

Dear Friends,

As I write the Ecumenical Sunday School Symposium, in cooperation with the Parish Resource Center, is underway here at Mercer School.  Some forty religious educators from a variety of denominations have gathered to talk and think together about Sunday School for exceptional children, about Godly Play, about the uses of the internet in faith formation, and more.  

We are happy to welcome the Parish Resource Director, Carla McKenzie, along with Heidi and staff members.  

Here is a link to the presentation on wen resources in faith formation that I will be offering after lunch today:

You can access an up-to-date listing of Mercer fall theological/spirituality events today at:

On this Saint Francis Day, when our Jewish and Islamic brothers and sisters are also noting important dates in the religious calendar around the world, may God lead us toward peace.

John McGinty+

Canon for Formation 
The Very Rev. Canon John P. McGinty
Canon for Formation